【雲上嶺南】The spring beauty of Jiangnan is at its peak – don't miss the chance to appreciate the flowers 江南春色好,赏花正当时

【大美广东】Spring Only! The Yellow Trumpet Flowers Are in Full Bloom in Shenzhen 春日限定!深圳黄花风铃木盛放

中国机遇 世界共享!“春天里的中国”全球对话会埃塞俄比亚专场在亚的斯亚贝巴举行



Zheng Yongnian: China's economic growth may even exceed 5%

【大美广东】Huangpo Cave Reservoir of Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area takes on a fresh look 广州白云山黄婆洞水库展现“绿美”新颜

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | Recently, the #Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area has taken many measures to upgrade and renovate the #Huangpo Cave Reservoir and the surrounding areas, bringing a new picture of ecological harmony to the public and tourists. Now, it is one of the most popular locations in Baiyun Mountain. The clear lake in Huangpo Cave, and the lush trees along the waterfront trestle... In this vibrant #summer, the Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area provides the general public and visitors with a green and beautiful space combining ornamental and recreational activities. #SplendidLingnan

近日,广州白云山景区多措并举对黄婆洞水库及周边提升改造,为市民游客带来一幅天蓝、山青、水绿交织的新画卷,成为白云山的网红打卡点之一。 黄婆洞的碧绿湖水、滨水栈道的斑驳树阴、梅花谷的溪水唐鱼……在这热烈漫长的夏天,白云山景区为广大市民游客提供了一处可观、可赏、可玩、可学的绿美空间。

上一篇:Explore GBA's mega cross-sea passage with GDToday's stringer from Venezuela
下一篇:【大美广东】Over Lingdingyang, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge sets five records 伶仃洋上,“中国智造”踏浪而起

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