塞纳河畔“咏”动人心 深圳舞剧《咏春》巴黎首秀惊艳四座

“In舟山连世界”2024舟山群岛国际传播活动走进浙江岱山 ——相约千年古城共享海岛非遗

有片|《我和我的祖國》哈爾濱城市燈光秀 流光溢彩獻禮祖國




【大美广东】The exhibition, State with a Thousand Chariots - Zhongshan State in the Warring States Period, opens in Shenzhen “千乘之国——战国时代的中山国”在深圳博物馆展出

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Art and Culture | On July 2, the exhibition, State with a Thousand Chariots - Zhongshan State in the Warring States Period, opened at the #Shenzhen Museum of History and Folk Culture. A total of 175 sets of representative cultural relics unearthed from the tomb of the King of the Zhongshan State, the ruins of the capital city of the #Zhongshan State, and the archaeological site in Xingtang County, one of the six greatest archeological discoveries of #China in 2017 have been put on display The discoveries include the chased copper and wrought iron square kettle, the golden goblet, and the bronze two-wing legendary beast inlaid with silver, which embodies the superb #craftsmanship and the strict system of the work officials of the Zhongshan State in the Warring States Period. #artandculture

上一篇:【大美广东】The Cantonese Opera film "Madam Xian" premieres in Guangzhou 粤剧电影《谯国夫人》广州首映
下一篇:Feature: Greeted by household Chinese song, Xi starts Kazakhstan trip to build on unique partnership

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