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【大美广东】Heading South! Let's head to Nansha to enjoy a wonderful summer trip 一路向南!打卡“南沙十二景”夏日宝藏之旅

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | Guangzhou's Nansha district boasts not only the picturesque coastal scenery but also a profound inheritance of Lingnan culture and the boundless vitality of a modern city. As #summer approaches, Nansha has crafted four thrilling #tourist routes, namely, the lotus appreciation route, the seeking serenity and coolness route, the exploring Nansha by night route, and the #historical and cultural route. The routes cover scenic spots like Nansha Bridge, Port of Nansha, Nansha Tianhou Palace, Nansha International Cruise Home Port, and the Nansha Marina. Let's head to Nansha to enjoy a wonderful summer trip.#SplendidLingnan


上一篇:【大美广东】Double rainbows unfolded in the sky over Shenzhen. 双彩虹在深圳上空浪漫上演
下一篇:【大美广东】Favored Tapo Temple Fair in Foshan “镇”街之宝! 塔坡庙会焕新上演

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