Z世代请回答 | 逐梦大湾区,台青实现了哪些“小确幸”和“大梦想”?

回望欧洲|年终大片:政坛洗牌向右转 内外交困寻答案

【大美广东】Nansha Water Town cultural experience activities were held at the Guangzhou Cultural & Arts Centre, attracting people to experience the charm of Danjia's intangible cultural heritage 南沙水乡文化走进广州

时政微纪录丨琴澳和鸣 共谱发展新篇

著名国画家李巍:逸笔天趣 真思卓然

时政微纪录丨琴澳和鸣 共谱发展新篇

【大美广东】With more than 70,000 ginger lotus blooming, the 2nd Ginger Lotus Cultural Festival opened in Baiyun, Guangzhou! 7万多株姜荷花绽放!广州白云第二届姜荷花文化节开幕

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | On the morning of July 16, the 2nd Ginger Lotus Cultural Festival was held in the #Baiyun Anti-drug Theme Park. There were more than 50 kinds of ornamental ginger plants and more than 70,000 colorful ginger lotus blooming here. Visitors can enjoy seven kinds of ginger lotus-themed intangible cultural heritage works such as embedded porcelain, #Canton embroidery, and paper-cutting. The event will last until the end of this month. At the site, visitors who love ginger #lotus happily took photos with the flowers and appreciated beautiful #flowers. #SplendidLingnan


上一篇:Xi Impression | A reformer having deep roots with the people
下一篇:【大美广东】Bafang Village in Maoming has become a tourist hotspot 茂名八坊村成旅游“打卡热点”

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