
海外华媒邂逅云雾庐山:赏秀美风光 品文人雅韵 

海外华文媒体走进江西庐山 感受自然与人文之美

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【大美广东】Guangzhou branch of the National Archives of Publications and Culture gets 845,000 new volumes 广州国家版本馆新增版本资源84.5万册(件)

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | On July 30, the Guangzhou branch of the National Archives of Publications and #Culture hosted a donation and collection conference. Since the opening of the #Guangzhou National #Library two years ago, it has received support from all strata of society, amassing a total of 845,000 volumes of various resources, including 150,000 volumes donated by individuals, which have distinct Lingnan characteristics and a strong aura of the times.#SplendidLingnan


上一篇:【大美广东】Guangdong's 3 routes selected as high-quality rural tourism routes across China 广东3条线路入选全国乡村旅游精品线路
下一篇:【大美广东】Foshan, Guangdong: Old Streets Transformed into Trendy Hotspots, and Ancient Town Revived Through Cultural Tourism 广东佛山:老街旧改展现时尚魅力,文旅赋能展现古镇新风

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