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【大美广东】The Cultural Guangdong Platform is Officially launched “文化广东”平台正式上线

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报

Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | On July 31, the Cultural #Guangdong platform,created by the Department of #Culture and Tourism of Guangdong Province,was officially launched. The formal release of the platform signifies a new milestone for digital cultural services in Guangdong.

The CulturalGuangdong platform is a province-wide one-stop cultural service platform, including three carriers, #APP, mini-program and the cultural tourism zoneof Yue Sheng Shi. It features six display functions,including watching#performance, learning skills, visiting#exhibitions, watching live #events, reading#books, and appreciating intangible cultural heritage projects. As well as three application service functions,including venue reservations, activity registration and #book borrowing.#SplendidLingnan



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