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【大美广东】The 20th Guangzhou Sports Festival invites you to embrace the summer sports passion ​全民热练!广州市第二十届体育节邀您畅享夏日运动激情

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
To celebrate the 16th National Fitness Day on August 8, the opening ceremony of the 20th Guangzhou Sports Festival will take place at the South Plaza of Tianhe Sports Center of Guangzhou. It will feature a sports carnival and a variety of fitness competitions, along with dazzling sports performances, inviting all citizens to come and enjoy the charm of sport. When the general public focuses on the Paris 2024 Olympics and cheers for the athletes, several Guangzhou Olympic champions, world champions, and National Games champions will appear at the ceremony to share their exciting moments during their championship journeys, to ignite the sports enthusiasm of Guangzhou people.


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