
习近平在视察火箭军某旅时强调 坚持政治引领 强化使命担当 埋头苦干实干 提升战略导弹部队威慑和实战能力



海外华媒邂逅云雾庐山:赏秀美风光 品文人雅韵 

海外华文媒体走进江西庐山 感受自然与人文之美

【大美广东】Fitness for All, the National Games with You 全民健身,全运有你

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | The ParisOlympics are in full swing, and preparations for the 15th National Games (NG), the 12th National Games for Persons with Disabilities (NGD), and the 9th National Special Olympic Games (NSOG), all set for 2025, are also heating up, triggering a sports craze across China. With August 8 marking the 16th #NationalFitnessDay, let's stay active together!

上一篇:【大美广东】Guangzhou's Sports Through the Twelve Two-Hour Periods: National Fitness Never Stops 广州运动十二时辰,全民健身步履不停
下一篇:【大美广东】The 6th Guangzhou Drama and Quyi Competition ends on a high note 广州市第六届戏剧曲艺大赛举行

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