【大美广东】Zengcheng, Guangzhou: The silk floss trees are in full bloom, bringing pink romance to autumn 广州增城:“美人树”花开正当时,秋日粉色浪漫来了

【大美广东】Video | Captivated by AI! The "Oscars" of the AI Visual Creativity Industry 视频|被硬控了!AI视觉创意界的“奥斯卡”



独家视频 | 习近平步出舱门 俄高级官员热情迎接


【大美广东】Qingyuan Fogang County: The Pajiang River and Dayan River flow, having witnessed a thousand years 清远佛冈:潖江燕水 阅尽千年

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报

Fogang County, with its terrain resembling a sleeping Buddha lying quietly on the earth, boasts natural scenery akin to an art gallery. Since ancient times, Fogang has been a crucial gateway controlling traffic between Shaoguan and Guangzhou, serving as a vital route from northern Guangdong to the Pearl River Delta. The Da Miao Gorge features rolling mountains and layered peaks, while the Pajiang River and Dayan River wind through, with their swirling rapids and tranquil depths. Let us follow in the footsteps of the ancient poet Song Hao, exploring the landscapes of Fogang and appreciating the refined charm of Lingnan.




上一篇:【大美广东】Yangcheng Book Fair: Creating a Reading Carnival for Citizens 羊城书展:打造“家门口”的阅读嘉年华
下一篇:【大美广东】Yuliang Old Village, Lianping, Heyuan: The unique fishing technique attracts many visitors 河源连平“鱼梁古村”:架梁捕鱼引客来

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