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行走少林 海外华媒感受中原“武林风”

【大美广东】Guangzhou Huadu Chini Bonsai: White Dew Quietly Nurtures the Autumn Harvest 广州花都赤坭盆景:“白露无声育秋实”

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报

As time speeds into September, the solar term of WhiteDew arrives. According to the Collective Interpretation of the Seventy-Two Phenological Terms, "Moisture on the ground condenses into dew as the air cools." In the ancient Chinese color system, golden autumn is associated with the metal element, and a golden color is close to white. Thus, White Dew symbolizes the onset of autumn and the cooling temperatures. A folk saying goes, "After the arrival of White Dew, the nighttime temperatures will be cooler each night than the last." During this time, temperatures are similar to those in late spring, and plants enter their second growing phase.

Walking into Chini Town in Huadu District, Guangzhou, the hometown of Lingnan bonsai, feels like stepping into a large bonsai park. Whether at the village entrance or the backyards, you will find variously shaped and beautifully crafted bonsai, with the autumn breeze gently rustling the leaves and the rich scent of autumn dew filling the air.





上一篇:【雲上嶺南】As the Mid-Autumn Festival nears, which mooncake filling will stand out? The locals will tell you! 月满中秋,哪款月饼馅独领风骚?街坊告诉你!
下一篇:【大美广东】How did Nankun Mountain become the "oasis in the Tropic of Cancer"? 南昆山何以成为粤港澳大湾区的“绿色呼吸器”?

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