ASEAN education officials visit Guangdong to explore vocational education cooperation

从“闯”到“创”,南粤涛头风正劲 ——广州开发区40周年改革创新的经验与启示


【大美广东】Pedestrian Bridges Dress Up in 'Flower Costumes' for Autumn 广州人行天桥秋季穿“花衣”



【大美广东】A fire dragon dance performance was staged on Junhe Street, Baiyun District, Guangzhou 广州白云均禾街上演原生态舞火龙盛景

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Art and Culture | On the evening of September 17, a lifelike "fire dragon" danced through Junhe Street in Baiyun District, #Guangzhou City, accompanied by excited cheers. The #dragon, adorned with colored scales and fiery eyes, soared and swooped with impeccable coordination, captivating the audience who applauded excitedly. Meanwhile, Pinghe Daya Square featured a series of spectacular performances including a #fireworks display and a Huohu (fire pot) performance, a national intangible #cultural heritage. The event attracted numerous locals and tourists, allowing them to experience the unique charm of the intangible cultural heritage. #artandculture

上一篇:【雲上嶺南】2024 Maritime Guangdong Young Director Support Program | Interview with Short Film Training Camp Mentor Zhang Chong: Enjoy the Second Life Brought by Film Editing 丨专访山海训练营导师张崇:享受电影剪辑带来的第二人生
下一篇:【大美广东】Guangzhou residents may be able to experience "air taxi" this year 广州市民今年或可享“飞的”

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