重返中國內地「外貿第一城」 深圳進出口規模達4.5萬億元

穗大唐千燈會點亮灣區「年味」 海底醒獅 企鵝巡遊為港人增打卡點




年味渐浓!中央广播电视总台 《2025年春节联欢晚会》完成第三次彩排

【大美广东】Tai Hang in Hong Kong: Hometown of the Fire Dragon, Where Traditions are Passed Down Through Generations 香港大坑:双龙出海 薪火相传

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报

Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | Join us in exploring a #Hakka neighborhood hidden amidst the bustling international metropolis of #HongKong—Tai Hang in #CausewayBay. This area is the birthplace of the national intangible cultural heritage "Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance", attracting crowds for its lively festivities every #MidAutumnFestival. Tai Hang is not only home to luxury residences of famous stars and prominent figures but also a place where #historic Tong Lau coexists with #modern architecture, creating a unique #urban spot for exploration. Over the past century, Tai Hang has become a hub for both established luxury residential communities and public housing estates, conveniently located next to the shopping paradise of Causeway Bay. #SplendidLingnan

上一篇: Autumn Equinox: Guangdong's unique traditions to welcome harvest
下一篇:【大美广东】The moon will turn perfectly full on the fifteenth day. Let's enjoy the "super moon" together! 十五的月亮十六圆,一起来看“超级月亮”!

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