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行走少林 海外华媒感受中原“武林风”


【大美广东】"Island Hopping Tour", Sailing, beach party... Let's experience new ways to play in Shanwei during National Day holiday “跳岛游”、帆船运动、沙滩音乐……国庆假期解锁汕尾新玩法

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
During the National Day holiday, Shanwei will organize the 2024 National Day holiday cultural and tourism event, holding a series of activities such as an "island-hopping tour" and sea sports. The Shanwei "Island Hopping Tour" project will be launched during the National Day holiday as the "New IP of Shanwei Culture and Tourism," which will bring a new experience to the tourists!

国庆期间,汕尾市将举办“向大海出发 遇见好玩汕尾”2024年国庆黄金周文旅系列活动,推出“跳岛游”启航系列、活力海上运动系列、国庆黄金周系列活动。值得一提的是,汕尾“跳岛游”项目将在国庆作为“汕尾文旅新IP”全新启航,为广大游客带来独特新体验!
上一篇:【大美广东】Nanhai Jiujiang celebrates the seventh Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival 捉塘底,数鱼花!南海九江欢庆农民丰收节
下一篇: Opinion | Five 'Little Waist' towers! What role do these new landmarks play?

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