
行走少林 海外华媒感受中原“武林风”


【大美广东】在广州,与漫天晚霞的浪漫邂逅 A romantic encounter with sunset clouds in Guangzhou

【大美广东】多部大剧即将上新,广州原创舞台艺术作品“艺”彩纷呈 Many dramas are about to be released, and Guangzhou

【大美广东】河源龙川霍山:丹崖赤壁 御风而行 Huo Mountain in Longchuan, Heyuan: Ascend with the wind to discover the beauty of the crimson cliffs

【大美广东】Guangdong has built 181 ancient tree parks 广东建成古树公园181个

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Weaving through the paths surrounded by ancient trees, you can feel the strong vitality; lounging on the benches under the ancient trees, you can relax your mind in nature. Ancient tree parks have gradually become a good place for visual feast, cultural exploration, and nature education. In 2024, 20 new ancient tree parks were opened in Guangdong. At present, two ancient tree parks have been completed and accepted, and the rest of the ancient tree parks are scheduled to be completed and opened one after another during the year. According to statistics, up to now, the province has built 181 ancient tree parks.





上一篇:【大美广东】Let's set off along the latest themed tourism routes of Guangdong! 沿着最新广东主题旅游精品线路,出发吧!
下一篇:【大美广东】Take the high-speed train to Meixian, Guangdong, to enjoy the charm of beautiful villages 坐高铁到广东梅县,畅游和美乡村

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