

習近平在出席解放軍和武警部隊代表團全體會議時強調 落實高質量發展要求 實現我軍建設“十四五”規劃圓滿收官


【大美广东】Jiexi: cherry blossoms blooming profusely in Springtime 揭西:樱花盛放春意浓

兩會民聲|「哪吒」「黑悟空」火出圈 在華外國人:更加了解中國文化

【大美广东】​Chinese culture works with culture! 79 world-class artworks exhibited in Langtou Village 中法文化双向奔赴!79件世界级艺术作品亮相塱头古村

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
The quaint countryside of Lingnan welcomes world-class masterpieces of art. On 27th September, as one of the series of activities of the Year of Sino-French Cultural Tourism, a special exhibition featuring the works of renowned Swiss-Italian sculptor Alberto Giacometti (1901-1966) opened in Langtou Village, Tanbu Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou City. The exhibition is open to the public.

Source : Lingnan on the Cloud

中法文化交相辉映,岭南古朴乡村迎来世界级大师艺术作品。9月27日,作为中法建交60周年特别呈现之中法文化之春的系列活动之一,阿尔贝托·贾科梅蒂(Alberto Giacometti)特展“1的纪念性:贾科梅蒂在塱头”在位于花都区塱头村的广州春阳台艺文中心正式开幕,面向公众开放。



上一篇:【大美广东】Exhibition "Encountering Whang Tong" Opened: Reviving Canton Trade, Botanical Paintings and Cultural Exchange in the 18th-19th Century 展览“遇见黄东”开幕:再现清代广州“事仔”的大世界
下一篇:【大美广东】Let's set off along the latest themed tourism routes of Guangdong! 沿着最新广东主题旅游精品线路,出发吧!

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