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从“江门制造”看江门新形象 面向全球展现自强创新时尚活力新侨都



【大美广东】Lion dance troupes from many countries and regions gathered on Haojiang River to pass on the lion dance culture 承狮启后,狮王耀濠江

发布时间:   来源: 羊城晚报-云上岭南

From October 5 to 6, the 11th International Lion Dance Championship 2024 – MGM Cup was held at the A-Ma Temple in Macau. As one of the top three world-class Southern lion dance competitions, this year there were teams from 13 countries and regions participating. At the same time, MGM also held a series of extended activities, featuring lion dance-themed workshops as well as Foshan's renowned "Big Head Buddha" troupe, which allowed the public to experience lion dance drum painting, make their own lion dance shoes, and enjoy the performances, so as to incorporate the art of Lingnan lion dance into their daily lives.





上一篇:【大美广东】Maritime Guangdong Program short film "How Can I Rid My Mind of Her " set for Japanese premiere at SSF 2024 山海计划短片《海水泡的茶是什么味道》将亮相日本札幌国际短片电影节
下一篇:【大美广东】Shenzhen Window of the World received nearly 200,000 visitors during the National Day holiday 国庆黄金周,深圳世界之窗接待近20万游客

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