


交流互鉴 命运与共!金砖国家喀山媒体对话会举行

【大美广东】Xu Hongfei


【大美广东】The 65th Yangcheng Chrysanthemum Fair will be held in Guangzhou Cultural Park on Nov 16 广州文化公园第65届羊城菊会将于11月16日举办

发布时间:   来源: 羊城晚报-云上岭南
The 16-day-long 65th Yangcheng Chrysanthemum Fair is scheduled to be held from November 16 to December 1.As part of the fair, the free registration for voluntary chrysanthemum planting activities started on October 9. This year's fair will exhibit 13 groups of large and medium-sized chrysanthemum landscapes for free.The special exhibition areas include 10 sections like the large standing chrysanthemum exhibition area, cliff chrysanthemum exhibition area, chrysanthemum bonsai exhibition area, new and excellent varietychrysanthemumexhibition area, chrysanthemums planted by citizens exhibition area, art garden area, and flower sea exhibition area.




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