
解码唐诗故事 《宗师列传·大唐诗人传》即将开播!

“潮”起東方,唱響巴黎 | 廣東潮劇院一團将赴法國參演巴黎中國戲曲節

廣東創科啟示錄|香港園區借鏡深圳 後發優勢加速互聯

【大美广东】Yantian District held the 13th Exhibition of intangible cultural heritage of Danjia culture 第十三届盐田疍家非遗展演系列活动举办

【大美广东】The POLY MGM MUSEUM to open to the public on Nov 2nd 湾区这座新博物馆11月2日正式开馆

【大美广东】Huangpu Town in Lechang, Shaoguan: A Bustling Autumn Harvest as Grains Return to the Granary, with Fields Filled with Picturesque Abundance 韶关乐昌黄圃镇:粮归仓秋收忙,满田尽是好“丰”景

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报

In the golden autumn of October, Huangpu Town in Lechang City, Shaoguan, comes alive with sprawling rice fields basking under the sun like a golden sea. Plump, golden grains sway gently in the breeze. Farmers, wearing straw hats and holding sickles, move through the fields with their faces beaming with the joy of harvest. With each swing of a sickle, bundles of rice are neatly cut. The harvesters are busy at work, rumbling through the rolling waves of rice, with full, golden grains pouring down from their hatches. Trucks loaded with rice shuttle back and forth, creating a picturesque scene of abundance across the fields.





上一篇:【大美广东】Opera fans celebrate the Cantonese Opera Patriarch’s birthday 粤剧行会迎华光诞,粤港澳票友齐庆贺
下一篇:【大美广东】18 short films of southern China to be screened in Beijing 18部岭南故事短片北上展映,山海展映季北京活动开启预约

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