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Sell the sizzle----Cantonese cooking techniques + locally sourced food ingredients

发布时间:   来源: GDToday

Stir-fried Australian lobster with Shunde buffalo milk, Japanese sake with Cantonese dim sum, use of New Zealand Mactra antiquated in Chaoshan marinated seafood…do the mentioning of these dish names build up your appetite? As for the going global of Cantonese cuisine, Chinese chefs must be imaginative and bold enough to use locally sourced food ingredients. In Episode 2 of Discovering Guangdong's Samples of Going-global Chinese Culture, we take a close look at Cantonese cuisine and its growing popularity in Oceania. We will see people of different nationalities sharing the same table to enjoy Cantonese dim sum and how Cantonese cuisine ambassadors adjust measures to local conditions and use fine foods to win the hearts of international dinners.

Presented by Nanfang Metropolis Daily and N Video
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