【大美广东】The fire dragon dance welcomed the Chinese New Year celebration 龙腾焰舞迎新春

【大美广东】The 2025 Guangzhou Lantern Fair awaits you for free at Guangzhou Cultural Park 免费赏花看灯!广州文化公园“元宵灯会”等你打卡

穗籌建穗港澳協同創新中心 開展跨境成果轉化試點

粵建產業新支柱 聚焦AI和機器人

看中粵港合作優勢 港股上市公司晶科電子24億產業基地落地南沙

總投資549億元粵藏電力項目簽約 保障大灣區綠色能源供應

China Xplained | How Guangdong plans to become a powerhouse for AI and robots?

发布时间:   来源: GD TODAY
The rise of China's DeepSeek has sent shockwaves through the AI world. The open-source reasoning model is believed to have outperformed even the best from the US.

Is China winning the global AI race? And how does the country's economic powerhouse plan to help achieve that goal? The 2025 Provincial High-Quality Development Conference might just have the answers.

Reporter |  Xie Hongzhou, Dai Bosi

Script | Xie Hongzhou

Cameramen | Deng Yingheng, Ou Nanying

Video |  Deng Yingheng

Poster | Cai Junru

Editor | Yuan Zixiang, James
上一篇:Finals of “Douyin Football Carnival” Foshan Stop kick off

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