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Zheng Yongnian: China's economic growth may even exceed 5%

【雲上嶺南】The spring beauty of Jiangnan is at its peak – don't miss the chance to appreciate the flowers 江南春色好,赏花正当时

China Xplained | How Guangdong delegation's open day draws attention during China's "two sessions"

发布时间:   来源: GD TODAY

All eyes are on China's "two sessions".

On Mar 6th, the Guangdong delegation of deputies to the National People's Congress held an open day event, drawing over 260 journalists from China and around the world.

It's a valuable opportunity to see how democracy works during the country's biggest political gathering, and how the economic powerhouse plans its next moves.

This episode of China Xplained will take you to the ground of the event.

Reporter |  Xie Hongzhou

Cameramen |  Deng Yingheng, Xu Xiaoxin

Video |  Deng Yingheng

Poster | Lai Meiya

Editor | Yuan Zixiang, James, Ou Yangyan

下一篇:Guangdong announces new energy industry as new trillion-yuan industrial cluster

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