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廣州今年投211億建設大灣區 加快建穗港智造合作區

河套的今天與明天1|深港升級中試平台 壯大機器人產業

Aerial video and photos capture vibrant vibes of Zhaoqing

发布时间:   来源: GD Today

The 2025 Zhaoqing Temple Fair, a celebration of Cantonese folk culture, is underway from February 8 to 12. A parade showcasing intangible cultural heritages was held on the afternoon of February 9. Nearly 1,300 exhibitors and performers took part in the event in 25 groups. The parade started from the Baogong Cultural Park, walked through the city's main streets, and finally reached the Yuejiang Tower. Here are some highlights of the intangible cultural heritage parade.

Video |  Deng Yingheng
Photos | Liu Chunlin, Xijiang Daily
Editor | Liu Lingzhi, James, Shen He
上一篇:双龙破云霓 古艺燃新火 【视频】2025"湛江几好"民俗盛宴震撼全城

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