

盛世梨园 锦绣山河!总台《2025年春节戏曲晚会》发布节目亮





发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报

       来自巴基斯坦的帅小伙查希尔(Abbas Zaheer),是华师地理科学学院地理信息系统专业的在读研究生。疫情原因,他选择在宿舍度过假期。2018年查希尔为学业来到广州,很快就被这座中国南部超大型城市深深吸引。短短几年,他目睹了广州日新月异的变化,中国速度让这位来自友邦的年轻人惊叹不已。查希尔说自己是地理相关专业的学生,却对城市宜居环境、城市规划开发、生态旅游建设颇感兴趣。利用闲暇时间,他曾跑老城串新城,也兴致勃勃地参观了周边城区,亲眼见证古今交融、生机勃勃的广州名不虚传。而清远的山峦葱郁、江门的乡间恬静、佛山的饕餮美食,又让查希尔愈发喜欢上老广式的生活。
      就在学院组织的新春活动上,留学生收到各式各样的年货礼物。查希尔也循着本地习俗,为自己的宿舍张彩贴福。“福字倒着贴,同音福到,才叫好意头啊!”中文学满一年的查希尔尝试把中国年俗传授给同学,暗地里在比拼谁的声调更准,说得更溜。楼上楼下的伙伴也没闲着,各种才艺展示轮番上演。来自马达加斯加的麦忠平(Mac Kyle)拨动吉他,琴声歌声悠扬回荡楼廊,扣动了大家思乡的心弦。

GUANGZHOU-On the Chinese New Year Day of 2021, the International Students' Apartment of South China Normal University was like a boiling pot of delicacies. Overseas students have spent some quality time during this recent Spring Festival as they experienced typical Chinese celebratory activities with teachers and classmates who have tried to help them feel at home while far from family.
Overseas students were busy in the public kitchen, preparing cuisine crossover of Chinese and foreign food for the New Year, and they had a prosperous holiday without leaving campus. Pakistani sauce, Nepalese curry powder, Sichuan pepper powder, Hunan chili oil, such a combination of recipes would have shook up their taste buds, while the overseas students stuck to welcome the new year this way.
Abbas Zaheer, a handsome young man from northern Pakistan, is a graduate student majoring in Geographic Information System at the College of Geographic Sciences, South China Normal University. Posting a Chinese character "fu" onto the dormitory door, which means good fortune,  Zaheer tried to pass on Chinese customs to classmates. He came to Guangzhou in 2018 for studies and was immediately absorbed by such a mega-city in southern China. In his spare time, he has visited the old city site as well as the new one. He has witnessed with his own eyes that Guangzhou, a vibrant city with a blend of ancient and modern, is worthy of its reputation.
Zaheer told that since the epidemic spread last year, the university has taken close protection and care of overseas students. Teachers have taken initiative concern, anytime and anywhere, for those who needed help due to particular urgency or inconvenience in daily life. "When you're treated like family for long enough, it blurs the distinction between campus and home. Now I feel at home here." Zaheer said.
下一篇:Guangdong promovează și introduce în lume bunuri de Festival primăvară

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