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Y Talk 63|67-year-old Canton Fair is still "China's Number One Trade Fair" 67年历史的广交会为何坐稳“中国第一展”?

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报

Today marks the opening of the 135th Canton Fair in Guangzhou. Can you believe it's been running for 67 years straight since it first kicked off in 1957?

Before the reform and opening up, Canton Fair was the main gig for China's foreign trade, known as the "Number One Trade Fair in China."

But fast forward to the 21st century, and China's been getting cozy with the international crowd, rolling out events like the China International Fair for Trade in Services, the China International Import Expo, and the China International Consumer Products Expo making them the big four national trade shows alongside the Canton Fair.

Now, you may wonder with these new kids on the block gaining momentum, does the Canton Fair still have its mojo?

You bet it does!

After nearly 70 years, the Canton Fair is still radiating with new energy, proving that sometimes the oldies are still the goodies.





一起来看本期Y Talk,你会发现:近70年来,广交会与广东外贸一路相伴,“老展会”正在散发着“新活力”。
上一篇:(法语)La Foire de Canton, vieille de 67 ans, reste ”la foire commerciale numéro un de Chine”
下一篇:China issues guideline to raise annual food yield

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