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【雲上嶺南】Xu Hongfei's “Chubby Women” series of sculptures have arrived in Marseille 许鸿飞的“胖女”雕塑走进马赛

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Art and Culture | With the Paris 2024 #Olympics around the corner, the entire country of #France is in a festive mood. On the occasion, #Guangdong sculptor Xu Hongfei and his sculpture series “Chubby Women” have also come to France. The "Chubby Women" series of sculptures are distributed around the Place Charles de Gaulle in #Marseille, widely attracting the local and tourists. People interact with the sculptures in open space, observe and immerse themselves in the experience, and comprehend the profound emotions and inner wisdom of the #art. #artandculture

上一篇:【雲上嶺南】Video | Olympic time machine: from nonprofitable investment to commercialization 视频 | 奥运时光机:从“赔钱买卖”到商业化变革,举办奥运会不容易
下一篇:【大美广东】Indulging in the music and food of Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao in Guangzhou through various activities 纵享粤港澳音乐美食,广州上下九持续10天上演多项精彩活动

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