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【大美岭南】The largest renovation in 25 years of the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall of Guangzhou has been completed 广州中山纪念堂25年来最大规模修缮已完成

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | On the morning of July 26, after 372 days of renovation, the largest renovation project in 25 years at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall of Guangzhou concluded. During the renovation period, the hall remained open, receiving a total of 1.07 million visitors over these days. Located at the southern foot of Yuexiu Mountain, it is currently the world’s largest memorial hall dedicated to Sun Yat-sen. As an important node carrying the city's memories and the people's nostalgia, this comprehensive renovation has revitalized the hall, infusing it with new vitality in the dialogue between tradition and modernity.#SplendidLingnan

上一篇:【大美广东】The stunning Cantonese opera "Madam Xian" makes its appearance on Beijing Road 最美“冼夫人”亮相北京路,粤剧快闪惊艳千年古道
下一篇:【大美岭南】Shamian Island: A European-style Food Area with Lingnan Characteristics 沙面岛:打造岭南特色的“欧陆风情美食区”

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