海外华媒邂逅云雾庐山:赏秀美风光 品文人雅韵 

海外华文媒体走进江西庐山 感受自然与人文之美

海外华文媒体感受庐陵文化:一船载入梦 一河越




【大美广东】The stunning Cantonese opera "Madam Xian" makes its appearance on Beijing Road 最美“冼夫人”亮相北京路,粤剧快闪惊艳千年古道

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Art and Culture | On July 27, the unique Cantonese #Opera film was performed on#Beijing Road in #Guangzhou. With its charm of the intangible cultural heritage, the scene of"Madam Xian" was vividly recreated, attracting citizens and tourists to take photos to eternalize the moment. Travelers all felt the vitality and charm of the city amidst the resonant sounds of the #Cantonese opera.#artandculture


上一篇:【大美广东】Fans gather in Guangzhou to celebrate the 10th birthday of the world's only giant panda triplets 猫粉齐聚广州,共庆全球唯一三胞胎大熊猫十周岁
下一篇:【大美岭南】The largest renovation in 25 years of the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall of Guangzhou has been completed 广州中山纪念堂25年来最大规模修缮已完成

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