

【央視快評】凝心聚力 真抓實幹 團結奮進——熱烈祝賀全國兩會召開


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【大美广东】Spring at Shaoguan University: A Blossoming Cherry Wonderland 不用去武大!广东韶关也有自己的樱花校园

【大美广东】The Guangdong GBA Art Conservation Center has been established, revealing how artworks can be "Revived" 大湾区艺术品保护与修复中心成立,揭秘艺术品如何“重获新生”

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报

Art and Culture | A museum's #collection is its foundation, academic bedrock, and its source of vitality. On the morning of July 26, the foundingceremony of the #Guangdong #GBA #Art Conservation Centerwas held at the Guangdong #Museum of Art.

"Once an artwork enters the Guangdong Museum of Art's collection system, it embarks on a unique #journey. From identity recording, storage protection, damage detection and repair during transportation and #exhibition, to post-restoration storage and eventual re-exhibition, restorers are involved every step of the way," Liu Duanling, Director of the Art Restoration Department at the Guangdong Museum of Art, told the journalists. The exhibition uses various #visual methods to showcase how #restorers combine traditional techniques with modern technology to revive #artworks, narrating the stories behind the restoration of each piece and #artifact.#artandculture


上一篇:【大美广东】Taking a sightseeing boat and walking down the red carpet, 21 new couples attended a group wedding ceremony 坐游船、踏红毯,广州21对新人在集体婚礼许下爱的誓言
下一篇:【大美广东】Fans gather in Guangzhou to celebrate the 10th birthday of the world's only giant panda triplets 猫粉齐聚广州,共庆全球唯一三胞胎大熊猫十周岁

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