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【大美广东】Taking a sightseeing boat and walking down the red carpet, 21 new couples attended a group wedding ceremony 坐游船、踏红毯,广州21对新人在集体婚礼许下爱的誓言

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | "From today onwards, we will support each other through thick and thin, cherishing our love for a lifetime..." On July 29, a group wedding ceremony was held in a distinct Xiguan style in Liwan Lake Park. At the ceremony, a total of 21 new couples, dressed in traditional Chinese wedding attire, solemnly exchanged the vow of "eternal love" in front of their family and friends.Boarding the "wedding cars", the newlyweds drove through the streets of Wealth, Health, Luck, and other roads filled with good meanings, embarking on a journey of "love" through Xiguan. On the jubilant sightseeing boats, the newlyweds sailed on the lake, with their laughter and joy filling the air...

Along the "heart-shaped" route formed by the wedding car and boat parade, surrounded by a dreamy and romantic atmosphere, looking at the neatly arranged Qilou Arcade Street and Xiguan-style houses, the newlyweds seemed to shuttle between the past and the present, savoring the charm of Liwan, adding a taste of Lingnan flavor to their wedding.#SplendidLingnan


上一篇:【大美广东】The top ten of the 2024 Maritime Guangdong Program announced 回到小镇|2024山海计划10强诞生
下一篇:【大美广东】The Guangdong GBA Art Conservation Center has been established, revealing how artworks can be "Revived" 大湾区艺术品保护与修复中心成立,揭秘艺术品如何“重获新生”

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