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【大美广东】The top ten of the 2024 Maritime Guangdong Program announced 回到小镇|2024山海计划10强诞生

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
After several stages of selection and refinement, including initial recruitment, training camp, concept short film creation, and final proposal review, the top ten young directors and projects of the "2024 Maritime Guangdong Young Director Support Program" (referred to as the Maritime Guangdong Program) have been announced. The finalists are: Bu Jingwei with "A Strange Bird", Bi Shanyi with "The Rain Will Fall, The Pig Will Sink", Chen Jiaxiang with "Echoes of the Long Day", Chen Zhilin with "Sudden Rain", Dai Xiaolu with "Nature Town", Hu Qiao with "Player No Need", Mi Ma & Zheng Miaoxin with "Coming Home", Wang Pengwei & Jin Tian with "Migration", Zhang Di with "Hi, Marilyn" and Zhang Yichuan with "Oblivion".

The theme for the 2024 Maritime Guangdong Program is "Back to the Town." Towns have long been a cultural symbol in Chinese cinema. The Maritime Guangdong Program aims to encourage new-generation creators to continue the tradition of Chinese filmmaking, explore contemporary town life, and reshape the cultural landscape of towns. By making Chinese towns new cinematic landmarks, the program seeks to present a more diverse and localized expression of Chinese cinema to the world. Over 500 young Chinese filmmakers from around the world submitted project proposals and scripts during the two-month application period, making the competition fierce.

Ban Yu , an annual mentor and writer of the 2024 Maritime Guangdong Program, expressed his delight in seeing the new generation of directors use contemporary language to reinterpret the concept of "the town." Wang Xiaolu is an annual mentor, film scholar, and critic of the 2024 Maritime Guangdong Program. Having lived in Guangzhou for many years, he appreciates the evolving perspectives of young directors in discovering and expressing the concept of "the town." This change in vision gives him great confidence in the rise of the new generation of creators. Yang Lina, annual mentor, director, and screenwriter of the 2024 Maritime Guangdong Program, encourages directors to step out of their comfort zones and break the boundaries of creativity. She also shares heartfelt words with those who were not selected: "Don't be disheartened. Not being chosen doesn't mean you are not a good director. In the future, you might become one of the most significant directors."

The top ten directors will receive over two million yuan in cash and non-cash support, provided by the event organizer Yangcheng Evening News Group, in partnership with the Publicity Department of the CPC Yantian District Committee of Shenzhen , Aputure , DEITY, Count to Ten Studio , directube , and the Guangzhou Film Industry Support Fund . To encourage young creators, the Maritime Guangdong Program Committee has set up three "Golden Sheep Awards ," each granting 30,000 yuan to the best films. To encourage the participation of female creators, the Committee has established six honorary awards for young female filmmakers. Each of these six outstanding female creators will receive a prize of 5,000 yuan.

In August, the ten directors (or groups) will travel to Guangdong to start filming. The ten town stories will be transformed from scripts into films, with the short films expected to be released as early as October 2024.

Comments from the annual mentors:

Faced with the theme of "Back to the Town," the young directors of the Maritime Guangdong Program have placed their emotions in a "town" that transcends physical space. They use contemporary language to deconstruct what a "town" is, what it represents in our memories, and what it may become in the future. I can sense the shared memories and emotions, and I am deeply moved by their creativity and expression.

——Bai Yu, annual mentor, and writer of the 2024 Maritime Guangdong Program

Having lived in Guangzhou for several years, I am familiar with Lingnan culture. Thanks to the Maritime Guangdong Program, I have gained insight into the cultural changes of this land through the theme of "Back to the Town." I have also observed the shift in perspective among young directors when expressing Guangdong and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. These changes fill me with confidence in the rise of the young generation of directors.

——Wang Xiaolu, annual mentor, film scholar, and critic of the 2024 Maritime Guangdong Program

Despite the thematic constraints of this creation, I am still inspired by the directors' creativity. Their emotions towards individuals, history, and society are magnified in their works, presenting numerous possibilities for expression. Many of these works could be developed into feature films. I hope they step out of their comfort zones and further expand their creative boundaries. Their passion and selfless dedication to filmmaking bring back memories for me. Making movies is often about working for little or no reward and we even get addicted to it. But when we were young, we were all doing that! I also want to tell the directors who didn't make it to the top ten not to be discouraged. Not being chosen doesn't mean you are not a good director. In the future, you might become one of the most significant directors."

——Yang Lina, annual mentor, director, and screenwriter of the 2024 Maritime Guangdong Program

Source :Yangcheng Evening News


经过征募初审、训练营集训、概念短片创作、复审提案等多个阶段的选拔和锤炼,2024 “向山海走去”青年导演创作扶持计划(简称山海计划)10强青年导演及项目正式诞生,分别是步京委《鹈鹕出走之后》、闭善益《落水天,沉落去》、陈嘉祥《长日留痕》、陈志霖《骤雨》、戴晓璐《雀尾》、胡峤《3门》、宓马&郑淼鑫《梦游》、王鹏为&金添《鱼美人》、张迪《你好,马莉莉》、张艺川《炉底糍就是华夫饼》。







——2024山海计划年度导师、作家 班宇


——2024山海计划年度导师、电影学者 王小鲁


——2024山海计划年度导师、导演、编剧 杨荔钠

文|记者 李丽



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