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【大美广东】A traditional wedding culture museum opened in Pantang, Liwan, Guangzhou 囍事连连! 广州荔湾泮塘新添一家传统婚礼文化馆

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Art and Culture | This year, #Pantang Village in Liwan, #Guangzhou, with a history of over 900 years, has seen a series of happy events. On August 3, a new wedding culture museum, called Long Yue #Chinese Wedding Culture Museum, officially opened on Wuyue Outer Street. Enriched with golden chopsticks, teacups, saucers, peach-shaped kueh lights, dragon and #phoenix wedding tents, and many more, the museum, a space of about 60 square meters, is filled with items needed for traditional wedding customs in#Guangdong. On the day of the opening ceremony, it attracted many citizens tovisit and learn about traditional #wedding customs. #artandculture



上一篇:【大美广东】"How Can I Rid My Mind of Her" Shortlisted for the Sapporo International Short Film Fest & Market 《海水泡的茶是什么味道》入围日本札幌国际短片电影节
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