【雲上嶺南】Tourism Delegation from Tropical North Queensland, Australia, Visits China: Hopes China Will Become Its Largest International Market 澳大利亚热带北昆士兰旅游代表团访华:期待中国成为当地最大国际客源市场

【雲上嶺南】Ne Zha 2 has ranked among the top 6 in the global box office, with US media outlets describing its blockbuster success as unprecedented 进入全球票房榜前6名,美媒用”极为罕见”形容《哪吒2》霸榜

China Xplained | Can China keep its allure to foreign



当千年侨乡邂逅“魔童”哪吒 读懂《哪吒2》背后的江门密码

【大美广东】"How Can I Rid My Mind of Her" Shortlisted for the Sapporo International Short Film Fest & Market 《海水泡的茶是什么味道》入围日本札幌国际短片电影节

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Art and Culture | Good News! The short film "How Can I Rid My Mind of Her" (2023) from the Maritime #Guangdong Young Director Support Program, directed by Huang Wenli, has been shortlisted for the 19th Sapporo #International Short Film Festival & Market. Huang has been one of only two #Chinese directors to be shortlisted in the festival. This short #film festival, recognized by the Canadian Screen Award Qualifying, is one of the largest and most respected short film festivals in Japan and Asia. The 19th Sapporo #International Short Film Festival & Market will be held from  11 to October14.

"How Can I Rid My Mind of Her" has been selected for the 46th #Moscow International Film Festival and the 8th Jia #Village Short Film Week.#artandculture

喜讯!由黄文礼导演、山海计划扶持创作的短片《海水泡的茶是什么味道》(2023)入围第19届日本札幌国际短片电影节,并成为本次电影节中唯二入围的中国导演及中国影片。札幌国际短片电影节( Sapporo International Short Film Festival & Market ) 受加拿大影视奖(Canadian Screen Award Qualifying)认证,是日本和亚洲最大和最受尊敬的短片电影节。第19届札幌国际短片电影节将于2024年10月11-14日举行。




上一篇:【大美广东】The "20-Minute Park Effect" makes this lake in Guangzhou a one-click escape from the workday grind 公园20分钟效应,广州这个湖一键除“班味”
下一篇:【大美广东】A traditional wedding culture museum opened in Pantang, Liwan, Guangzhou 囍事连连! 广州荔湾泮塘新添一家传统婚礼文化馆

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