【雲上嶺南】The spring beauty of Jiangnan is at its peak – don't miss the chance to appreciate the flowers 江南春色好,赏花正当时

【大美广东】Spring Only! The Yellow Trumpet Flowers Are in Full Bloom in Shenzhen 春日限定!深圳黄花风铃木盛放

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【大美广东】Guangzhou Zoo celebrates a sweet summer on the Qixi Festival ​广州动物园七夕也要甜一“夏”

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
On the morning of August 10, a series of delivery trucks filled with fruits such as South African tangerines, watermelons, durians, and grapes arrived at the Guangzhou Zoo. They traveled one after another to the animal exhibition areas for Malayan sun bears, hippos, red pandas, and others, delivering more than ten varieties of fruit weighing a total of 760 kg as the Qixi Festival gifts for the animals. In addition, the zoo also set up a festive background wall at the ring-tailed lemur exhibition area, giving visitors who take photos a South African tangerine or limited-edition merchandise and spreading a romantic atmosphere.




上一篇:【大美广东】Longgang Qixi Lantern Festival presents a Shenzhen version of Along the River During the Qingming Festival 龙岗七夕千灯会,上演深圳版清明上河图
下一篇:【大美广东】Guangzhou Yunxi Botanical Garden: A great place to visit in early autumn 打卡广州云溪植物园!初秋出游好去处

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