
Z世代请回答 | 逐梦大湾区,台青实现了哪些“小确幸”和“大梦想”?

回望欧洲|年终大片:政坛洗牌向右转 内外交困寻答案

【大美广东】Nansha Water Town cultural experience activities were held at the Guangzhou Cultural & Arts Centre, attracting people to experience the charm of Danjia's intangible cultural heritage 南沙水乡文化走进广州

时政微纪录丨琴澳和鸣 共谱发展新篇

著名国画家李巍:逸笔天趣 真思卓然

【大美广东】Longgang Qixi Lantern Festival presents a Shenzhen version of Along the River During the Qingming Festival 龙岗七夕千灯会,上演深圳版清明上河图

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报

From August 9 to 11, the "Qixi Lantern Festival & Hehu Cultural Fair" at Shenzhen's Longgang District Beautiful Life Festival was held at Hehu New Residence, known as the "First Enclosed Hakka". The event featured a dazzling display of colorful lanterns and bustling crowds. It included over 40 cultural and creative market stalls, dances of the Twelve Flower Deities, Hanfu garden tours, poetry recitations, folk music performances, love song confessions, and Zhongshan intangible cultural heritage displays. The festival felt like stepping back a thousand years in time, presenting a Shenzhen version of Along the River During the Qingming Festival.





上一篇:【大美广东】Paris 2024 Olympics: A Romantic Carnival Feast 巴黎奥运会,浪漫的游乐盛宴
下一篇:【大美广东】Guangzhou Zoo celebrates a sweet summer on the Qixi Festival ​广州动物园七夕也要甜一“夏”

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