【大美广东】Guangzhou Haizhu held a multi-ethnic-themed art performance 广州海珠举办多民族主题文艺汇演

【大美广东】Two thousand domestic and foreign athletes traveled to Shaoguan to ride on the Danyue Road! The champions, runners-up, and third-place finishers of the 2024 Danxia Mountain Cycling Race were ann

The first phase of the Canton Fair concludes with over 130,000 participating international buyers, growing 4.6% compared with last edition





发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报

Hundreds of Chinese white dolphins swim freely in Leizhou Bay, Zhanjiang, Guangdong. Why is the Chinese white dolphin considered a flagship species and ecological indicator of the ocean? How does it turn pink?! Come join CC to Explore Chinese White Dolphins in Zhanjiang!

为什么说中华白海豚是海洋的旗舰生物、生态指标?它竟然会变成粉色?!在广东湛江雷州湾,这里有近千条中华白海豚畅游,是全球第二大中华白海豚种群栖息地。来,跟CC一起探秘中华白海豚吧 !

出镜、文案 | 刘泳希

拍摄、剪辑 | 温泽广

素材来源 | 南方日报 南方+
上一篇:【大美广东】Guangdong’s summer consumption sees a boom 暑期广东文旅消费火热
下一篇:【大美广东】Guangzhou's Thirteen Hongs craft works on display in Spain 广州十三行工艺美术作品亮相西班牙

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