

習近平在出席解放軍和武警部隊代表團全體會議時強調 落實高質量發展要求 實現我軍建設“十四五”規劃圓滿收官


【大美广东】Jiexi: cherry blossoms blooming profusely in Springtime 揭西:樱花盛放春意浓

兩會民聲|「哪吒」「黑悟空」火出圈 在華外國人:更加了解中國文化

【大美广东】Guangdong’s summer consumption sees a boom 暑期广东文旅消费火热

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
During this summer holiday period, Guangdong's cultural tourism activities remained highly popular. With the continuous updating and upgrading of various activities, the classic cultural tourism brands continued to release new vitality. City Walk, intangible cultural heritage-themed activities, and cultural and museum activities with their characteristics attracted locals and tourists to spend their summer vacation.

According to the data, Guangdong has been sought after as a destination for summer vacations and ranked at the top of the list of popular domestic destinations. Nearly 70% of the tourists visiting Guangdong during the summer were from outside the province, with Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Shenzhen, Foshan, and Shantou being highly popular destinations in the region. In the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, new activities and attractions have spurred increased travel among residents in the area.

暑假进入后半程,“请到广东过暑假”系列活动依旧“热辣滚烫”。暑假广东文旅消费新场景迭出,经典品牌持续释放新活力,观演式旅游、City Walk、国潮游、文博游多点开花,市民乐享盛夏之余,广东更成功吸引八方来客。




上一篇:【大美广东】Guangzhou Museum of Art: Exhibition of Selected Calligraphies of Various Dynasties 广州艺术博物院:院藏历代书法名家佳作集体亮相

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