

漫漫14屆與你共成長  參展企業有話說

【大美广东】Guangzhou Haizhu held a multi-ethnic-themed art performance 广州海珠举办多民族主题文艺汇演

【大美广东】Two thousand domestic and foreign athletes traveled to Shaoguan to ride on the Danyue Road! The champions, runners-up, and third-place finishers of the 2024 Danxia Mountain Cycling Race were ann

海外华媒零距离体验木版年画 感受中原地区的年味记忆

【大美广东】Come to the Guangzhou Museum to admire the collection of Liu Tizhi 来广州博物馆,围观一位民国收藏大家的“朋友圈”

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
On August 16, the exhibition "Righteousness – Story of Liu Tizhi and His Literati Friends" opened at the Guangzhou Museum. The exhibition, scheduled to run for a month, showcases a total of 193 sets of cultural relics, including 49 letters donated by Liu Tizhi's grandson, Liu Daling, as well as related bronze artifacts, oracle bones, and fine editions of ancient books.




上一篇:【大美广东】Zhanjiang Fishing Festival is coming 开海日,湛江人最爱的时段来了
下一篇:【大美广东】CCvlog | Friends of the Chinese White Dolphin 'Forest' on the Sea 中华白海豚的海上“森林”之友

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