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【大美广东】Zhanjiang Fishing Festival is coming 开海日,湛江人最爱的时段来了

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
On the opening day of the 2024 Zhanjiang Fishing Festival, hundreds of boats set sail, competing to be the first to bring in the fresh catch and hoping to return with a harvest. At 3 AM, the Jianghong Port fish market in Suixi County, Zhanjiang, was bustling with noise. Boats loaded with fresh fish,shrimp, crabs, and other seafood docked one after another. Food lovers drove hundreds of miles to get there, eagerly vying for the first bite of freshness, a taste that remains delicious and always reminiscent of the flavors of home.




上一篇:【大美广东】Yuliang Old Village, Lianping, Heyuan: The unique fishing technique attracts many visitors 河源连平“鱼梁古村”:架梁捕鱼引客来
下一篇:【大美广东】Come to the Guangzhou Museum to admire the collection of Liu Tizhi 来广州博物馆,围观一位民国收藏大家的“朋友圈”

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