行走少林 海外华媒感受中原“武林风”


【大美广东】在广州,与漫天晚霞的浪漫邂逅 A romantic encounter with sunset clouds in Guangzhou

【大美广东】多部大剧即将上新,广州原创舞台艺术作品“艺”彩纷呈 Many dramas are about to be released, and Guangzhou

【大美广东】河源龙川霍山:丹崖赤壁 御风而行 Huo Mountain in Longchuan, Heyuan: Ascend with the wind to discover the beauty of the crimson cliffs


【大美广东】The Shenzhen cultural and tourism blockbuster "Shenzhen, A Stage for Miracles" was unveiled globally 深圳文旅大片《城市舞台 上演奇迹》亮相全球

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报

On August 28, the original Shenzhen dance drama "Wing Chun" embarked on its 2024 European tour, departing from Shenzhen for the UK. Alongside this, the Shenzhen cultural and tourism blockbuster "Shenzhen, A Stage for Miracles" was also unveiled globally.

8月28日,深圳原创舞剧《咏春》从深圳启程飞赴英国正式开启2024年欧洲巡演。一同亮相全球的还有深圳文旅大片——《城市舞台 上演奇迹》。



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下一篇:【大美广东】Meizhou: Savoring the Hakka flavor in Jiaying Ancient Town 梅州:嘉应古城里品客家味道

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