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【大美广东】Jiexi: cherry blossoms blooming profusely in Springtime 揭西:樱花盛放春意浓

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【大美广东】Intangible Cultural Boutique Exhibition of Dragon Theme on Display in Chaozhou, Guangdong 龙主题非遗精品展亮相潮州

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Intangible Cultural Boutique Exhibition of Dragon Theme" opened at the Masters Park in Chaozhou, Guangdong. The exhibition features exquisite dragon-themed works created by a hundred masters of arts and crafts and intangible cultural heritage inheritors from Chaozhou. It will be on display until September 10. The exhibition showcases more than 200 fine pieces from 30 intangible cultural heritage categories, including Chao embroidery, Guang embroidery, bead embroidery, Chao porcelain, Guang colored porcelain, wood carving, jade carving, pyrography, inner painting, wheat straw painting, and paper cutting.




上一篇:【雲上嶺南】Maritime Short Film Training Camp Mentor Yang Cheng: Establish a healthy relationship with films and don't drain yourself 山海训练营导师杨城:跟电影建立健康的关系,不要消耗自己
下一篇:【大美广东】Yunyan, Shaoguan, Guangdong: The breeze carries the fragrance of rice, while the late rice harvest are in full swing 广东韶关乐昌云岩:风吹稻谷香,晚稻收割忙

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