中国智慧 人间弥勒

ASEAN education officials visit Guangdong to explore vocational education cooperation

从“闯”到“创”,南粤涛头风正劲 ——广州开发区40周年改革创新的经验与启示


【大美广东】Pedestrian Bridges Dress Up in 'Flower Costumes' for Autumn 广州人行天桥秋季穿“花衣”


【大美广东】Eulophia zollingeri, a rare wild plant,bears fruit in Guangzhou Liuxi River National Forest Park 广州市流溪河国家森林公园濒危野生无叶美冠兰结果

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Recently, the staff of Guangzhou Liuxi River National Forest Park discovered the fruiting of the eulophia zollingeri, a rare and endangered wild orchid species that has high requirements for the environment.

The flowering period of the eulophia zollingeri is usually from April to June. At present, several eulophia zollingeri have already borne fruits, with 3 to 5 fruits hanging on the straight branches, about 2 to 3 centimeters in length and 1 centimeter in width.

As one of the first national forest parks established in China, Guangzhou Liuxihe National Forest Park was officially opened to the public in 1986. The park is rich in plant resources, with a total of 1,295 species of wild vascular plants of 193 families and 708 genera recorded so far. Among them, there are 22 species of wild plants of 12 families and 14 genera under the state-level II key protection, and 12 species of wild plants of 12 families and 12 genera under the protection of China's rare and endangered wild plants. The discovery and fruit-bearing of the eulophia zollingeri once again proved that the ecosystem of Liuxi River National Forest Park is well-preserved and the richness of biodiversity is high.






上一篇:【大美广东】Experience the joy of horse riding in downtown Guangzhouwithout going to Altay! 探宝girls|不用去阿勒泰,在广州市区也能体验策马奔腾的快乐!
下一篇:【雲上嶺南】As the Mid-Autumn Festival nears, which mooncake filling will stand out? The locals will tell you! 月满中秋,哪款月饼馅独领风骚?街坊告诉你!

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