中国智慧 人间弥勒

ASEAN education officials visit Guangdong to explore vocational education cooperation

从“闯”到“创”,南粤涛头风正劲 ——广州开发区40周年改革创新的经验与启示


【大美广东】Pedestrian Bridges Dress Up in 'Flower Costumes' for Autumn 广州人行天桥秋季穿“花衣”


【大美广东】Experience the joy of horse riding in downtown Guangzhouwithout going to Altay! 探宝girls|不用去阿勒泰,在广州市区也能体验策马奔腾的快乐!

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报

In the first half of this year, the TV drama "To the Wonder" became very popular. The scene in which the actor rides a horse on the grassland left a deep impression on the audience, and traveling to Altay and riding a horse is also known as the best choice for many people to travel.

Now, you can experience the joy of horse riding in Guangzhou. In this video, the reporters went to anequestrian centre in Haizhu District, which is also the largest indoor and outdoor equestrian academy in Guangzhou, to learn how to ride a horse under the guidance of a professional coach.





上一篇:【大美广东】Festive lanterns are lit! Capture the Mid-Autumn romance in Guangzhou 花灯亮了!打卡广州的中秋浪漫
下一篇:【大美广东】Eulophia zollingeri, a rare wild plant,bears fruit in Guangzhou Liuxi River National Forest Park 广州市流溪河国家森林公园濒危野生无叶美冠兰结果

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