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【大美广东】The Centennial Chinese Comic Art Museum in Hongmei debuted at the Zhongshan G&A Fair, with many animation IPs on display 百年国漫陈列馆首次亮相中山游博会,众多动漫IP闪现

发布时间:   来源: 羊城晚报-云上岭南

Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | On October 15, the 16th Zhongshan International #Games & Amusement Fair 2024 (G&A Fair) opened. The Centennial #Chinese Comic Art Museum in Hongmei made its debut at the fair, showcasing the innovative integration of "animation+" and exploring the path of creating cultural and tourism IP. The art museum showed its unique charm at its debut. It brought animation #IPs such as GG Bond, Pleasant #Goat and Big Big Wolf, Happy S, Rolando Locomotov, and SupremoCat to the exhibition, attracting the attention of many professional audiences and locals.#SplendidLingnan

10月15日,第16届中山国际游戏游艺博览交易会开幕。洪梅美术馆(百年国漫陈列馆)首次亮相中山游博会,展示“动漫+”的创新融合,探索文旅IP打造之路。洪梅美术馆首次亮相即展现了独特的魅力。在IP授权展区,该馆携猪猪侠、菲菲公主、百变校巴、喜羊羊与灰太狼、开心超人、列车超人、奶龙、吾皇猫、虚无边境-珊瑚、劳拉Laura 等动漫IP闪现,吸引了众多专业观众及市民的目光。




上一篇:【大美广东】Foshan Meitao Bay transforms into a "super art museum" with nearly 30 exciting exhibitions waiting for you 佛山美陶湾变身“超级艺术馆”,近30场精彩展览等你来
下一篇:【雲上嶺南】Maritime Guangdong Program short films debut in Japan, Lingnan culture captivating the audience 山海计划短片首次“出海”日本 岭南风情打动观众

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