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漫漫14屆與你共成長  參展企業有話說

【大美广东】Foshan Meitao Bay transforms into a "super art museum" with nearly 30 exciting exhibitions waiting for you 佛山美陶湾变身“超级艺术馆”,近30场精彩展览等你来

发布时间:   来源: 羊城晚报-云上岭南

      Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | What will happen when the "door to art" of Foshan Meitao Bay is opened? The 8th #China Ceramic Creative Week 2024 will be held in the Foshan Meitao Bay Cultural and Creative Industry Cluster from October 18 to 24. By then, a large number of #cultural and art venues and artist studios in Meitao Bay will present nearly 30 wonderful #exhibitions, making Meitao Bay a "super art museum" full of artistic atmosphere.#SplendidLingnan





上一篇:【大美广东】"Keep Listening while Dancing — If Your Headphones Fall Off, I Lose!" | New Release at the Canton Fair 接着听歌接着舞,耳机能掉算我输 | 广交会上新
下一篇:【大美广东】The Centennial Chinese Comic Art Museum in Hongmei debuted at the Zhongshan G&A Fair, with many animation IPs on display 百年国漫陈列馆首次亮相中山游博会,众多动漫IP闪现

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