中国智慧 人间弥勒

ASEAN education officials visit Guangdong to explore vocational education cooperation

从“闯”到“创”,南粤涛头风正劲 ——广州开发区40周年改革创新的经验与启示


【大美广东】Pedestrian Bridges Dress Up in 'Flower Costumes' for Autumn 广州人行天桥秋季穿“花衣”


【大美广东】Lingnan Talk | Four Decades on Huanshi Road: A Testament to the Glory and Aspirations of Guangzhou's Pioneering Foreign Traders 岭南说|环市路四十年:这里承载广州初代外贸人的光荣与梦想

发布时间:   来源: 羊城晚报-云上岭南

In the 1990s, modern skyscrapers sprang up around Huanshi Road, gradually overshadowing the Baiyun Hotel and transforming the area into Guangzhou's first CBD. This bustling street witnessed several of the city's firsts, including Guangzhou's first McDonald's at the Guangdong International Hotel and its first large department store, the Friendship Store. Here, the lively local vibe blends seamlessly with a sense of romance.

With ongoing economic growth and #urban expansion, Huanshi Road has evolved from its pastoral origins into a vibrant, bustling thoroughfare. It serves as a vital center for transportation, foreign trade, commerce, and tourism, as well as a cultural hub and a snapshot of life in Guangzhou. Over the past four decades, Huanshi Road has connected Guangzhou's past and future, embodying the glory and aspirations of countless individuals.







上一篇:【大美广东】The short film "How Can I Rid My Mind of Her" (2023), supported by the Maritime Guangdong Program, shortlisted for the 11th Chongqing Youth Film Festival 山海计划短片《海水泡的茶是什么味道》入围重庆青年电影展
下一篇:【大美广东】在广州,与漫天晚霞的浪漫邂逅 A romantic encounter with sunset clouds in Guangzhou

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