Z世代请回答 | 逐梦大湾区,台青实现了哪些“小确幸”和“大梦想”?

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【大美广东】Nansha Water Town cultural experience activities were held at the Guangzhou Cultural & Arts Centre, attracting people to experience the charm of Danjia's intangible cultural heritage 南沙水乡文化走进广州

时政微纪录丨琴澳和鸣 共谱发展新篇

著名国画家李巍:逸笔天趣 真思卓然

时政微纪录丨琴澳和鸣 共谱发展新篇

【雲上嶺南】"Maritime Guangdong" Showcase Ends, Leaving Chinese and French Audiences Reluctant to Part | "Maritime Guangdong" Showcase · Paris 山海展映最后一日,中法观众依依不舍 | 山海展映季·巴黎

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Art and Culture | On the evening of December 23, #Paris time, the "Maritime Guangdong" Showcase · Paris, organized by the Yangcheng Evening News Group, held its final screening at the renowned LES 3 LUXEMBOURG art cinema in the Latin Quarter. The event showcased four #Chinese youth short films supported by the Maritime Guangdong Program: How Can I Rid My Mind of Her, The River That Holds My Hand, Swimming Lesson, and Nature Town. After the screening, director Dai Xiaolu of Nature Town engaged with the #French audience. The response exceeded expectations, and even after the event concluded at 9 p.m., the audience continued to interact with the filmmakers in the cold for over an hour, reluctant to leave. #artandculture

法国时间12月23日晚,由羊城晚报报业集团主办的“山海展映季·巴黎”在巴黎拉丁区知名艺术影院LES 3 LUXEMBOURG举行最后一场放映,为观众呈献《海水泡的茶是什么味道》《THE RIVER THAT HOLD MY HAND》《游泳课》《雀尾》四部由山海计划扶持创作的华语青年短片。映后,《雀尾》导演戴晓璐到场,与法国观众进行交流。观众的热情超出想象,晚上九时活动结束后,观众与主创在寒风中热烈交流了一个多小时,久久不愿离去。




上一篇:【大美广东】The sea of clouds at Shihuo'ao and the beautiful scenery at the top of Luhu Lake have made Qianpai Town very popular in Xinyi this winter 石镬坳云海,鹿湖顶染红,这个冬天信宜钱排“火出圈”
下一篇:【大美广东】The bird population in Xinyi has increased, with flocks of egrets flying together 信宜生态“朋友圈”不断扩容,鸟类栖息地群鹭齐飞

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