

习近平贵州行丨传承民族文化 推进乡村振兴——走进黔东南州黎平县肇兴侗寨


粵企熱招AI人才 算法專家月薪9萬

Exploring Zhanglin Huodi Temple Fair, a lively 200-year-old tradition

【大美广东】Don’t be a couch potato! Come and explore the first jungle-flying-themed park in Baiyun Mountain, Guangzhou. 寒假探险不宅家!广州市白云山首个丛林飞跃主题乐园开园

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
City Life | On January 18th, the first day of the winter vacation for elementary and secondary schools in Guangzhou, the first jungle-flying-themed park in Baiyun Mountain, Guangzhou, grandly opened. Located in the Mingchun Valley, Baiyun Mountain, this park not only provides a brand-new recreational spot for families but also carves out an exciting adventure journey for outdoor adventure #enthusiasts. The adventure park is nestled in a 4,000-square-meter original-ecological jungle. Once you step into it, the lush branches and leaves block out the sun. Coupled with colorful and childlike decorative facilities, it makes people feel as if they've entered a mysterious and fantastic fairy tale adventure world. #citylife




上一篇:【大美广东】Heroic Spirit Welcomes the Chinese New Year, Yingge Dance Takes the Stage in Lingnan with a Bang! “英” 气逼人迎新春,岭南英歌舞燃爆嗨翻!
下一篇:【大美广东】The Intangible Cultural Heritage fair kicked off in Tucheng Village, Chenghai District, Shantou City to welcome the Spring Festival! 老广贺春|汕头澄海莲上非遗集市开幕

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