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【大美广东】Still as "red and vibrant" as ever! Foshan's Spring Festival landmark, Kuaizi Road's "Hui Chun Street," reopens with a fresh look 还是那么“红彤彤”!佛山新春地标快子路“挥春街”焕新开启

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
With the sound of drums, lion dances, and the God of Wealth spreading blessings, the "Welcoming Spring and Fortune" event took place on January 18 at the "Hui Chun Street" on Kuaizi Road, a Spring Festival landmark in Chancheng, Foshan. Located in the heart of Zumiao Subdistrict, this area embodies the unique flavor of Foshan's New Year traditions. Historically, it was also a bustling center for Foshan's ancient town industries and commerce. The street was adorned with lanterns and ribbons, while calligraphers spontaneously created large "Fu" characters on the spot. A lively procession of lion dancers, the God of Wealth, and adorable traditional figures paraded through the alleys, drawing lively crowds wherever they went.




上一篇:【大美广东】"Train to spring" taking to the rails! 老广贺春|广州地铁鲜花车厢,出发!
下一篇:【大美广东】Celebrate Chinese New Year in Shaoguan: Flourish of Blossoms, Radiant with Splendor 过年来韶关:繁花似锦 灼灼韶华

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