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廣州今年投211億建設大灣區 加快建穗港智造合作區

河套的今天與明天1|深港升級中試平台 壯大機器人產業

【大美广东】Xingtongji illuminated the city of Foshan 全城亮灯!佛山“行通济”今年这样玩

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
City Life | "Xingtongji (Tongji Bridge Parade)", a grand traditional folk activity in #Foshan that has been held for hundreds of years, will take place from February 11 to 13. During the Lantern Festival, people usually walk from north to south over the Tongji Bridge, carrying windmills and #lettuce from early morning until dawn, and say "Through the Tongji #Bridge, neither trouble nor unlucky", praying for a peaceful and prosperous new year. #citylife




上一篇:【大美广东】If the buildings in Guangdong wear the lantern-like costumes during the Lantern Festival 动画|岭南元宵夜,如果广东这些建筑也换上“花灯衣裳”
下一篇:【大美广东】The "Plum Blossom Goddess" struck a pose at the first Huangpu Lantern Festival of 2025 “梅花女神”亮相!广州黄埔首届花灯会亮灯

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