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【大美广东】The 600-year-old Lantern Festival celebration in Sanyuanli Village, with over 50 Lion dancing 三元里村600年元宵盛事热闹上演,兄弟村逾50头醒狮齐来庆贺

发布时间:   来源: 欧洲侨报
Art and Culture | On February 15th, the 18th day of the Chinese New Year, Sanyuanli Village in Baiyun District, Guangzhou, hosted its nearly 600-year-old Lantern Festival celebration. More than 50 lion dances gathered, with teams from over 20 brother villages in the Guangdong, Hubei, and Guangxi provinces. The Lion Dance parade was held to celebrate the festival, attracting thousands of local residents and tourists. This tradition of inviting neighboring villages and cross-provincial friendly villages has become a key part of the celebration, serving to strengthen ties between families with shared ancestry and to exchange lion dance skills.


上一篇:【大美广东】When traditional lion dance meets modern dance, Changban Village celebrates the Lantern Festival 当传统醒狮遇上现代街舞,广州天河长湴村贺元宵
下一篇:【大美广东】The blooming purple magnolias enchant the city of Guangzhou 广州:辛夷花开惹人醉

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